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DiGi WWWOW Internet Award Winner

It has been almost 2 years since Doghouse 73 Pictures focuses on developing & producing content for the internet. When I started, some thought I was crazy, and most asked me how am I going to make money. I have no idea seriously, but I just had a vision like in the early 2000, we have a vision of making low budget DV films and traveled to various international film festivals.

The most challenging part I must admit since then for indie filmmakers are not so much of the production and making of the film, but exhibition and distribution.

But times are changing, the way audiences watches films are different, we can no longer rely on a traditional approach in marketing, exhibiting and selling our films.

The world is now connected on the internet and with the existence of various platforms (VHX, Distrify, Vimeo, DailyMotion) allowing filmmakers to sell their films directly to their fans, the major challenge is to create an awareness of your films and to build your audiences and bring them on line. It's not an easy task and eventually to convince them to pay for your film.

And this year Doghouse 73 Pictures won the DiGi WWWOW Internet Award for the Content section, it was a great boost and encouragement for me to continue working on the platform. To bring the indie film business onto the internet.

After winning the award we've got a chance to meet the organizer, and they asked us how we felt about the award. I told them, when I started, some thought I was crazy, to produce short films for free online, but after winning the award I think I could see a clearer future for the company.

The organizer replied, I won most probrably because the judges think I'm crazy.
Yes, I am crazy and thanks to all who had supported our films and we're working on more exciting stuffs, so sign up & subscribe for our news letter for latest news.


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