When I first decided to start and focus on running a YouTube channel in 2013, I envisioned that the channel and the company will be able to produces short films independently.
It's not an easy endeavor, I've put in a lot time, resources and money to produces all the short films and the popular 3 Doors of Horrors series.
Thinking with all the works and viewers it'll be one day enough to get us to collaborate with brands to sponsor our works. Hoping with all the films will act as a proof of concept, a showcase of the director and his/her visions and one day we can get commissioned to develop and produce series for OTT platforms, aspiring to be the next "High Maintenance".
It has been 6 year and sadly none of the above materializes. Experiences, meritocracy, achievements and accolades meant very little because the creative and content industry are run very differently in this part of the world.
Today after receiving the YouTube Silver Creator Award I am thankful to all the audiences who had subscribed and supported the channel and the films. The channel will be active and new short films will be release as independent filmmaking will thrive on YouTube.
And to all the filmmakers, crew and actors who have contribute to the films, thank you, I really appreciate your support and hope to work with you all again asap.
In the meantime be kind subscribe.