Love | Drama
Directed by James Lee
Language: Mandarin
Duration: 20 min Camera: Sony A7S 2017
The story follows two high school best friends, Sam and Cassie nearing the end of the term. Cassie admires a school mate John. And when John enters Cassie's life, the girls relationship takes an unexpected turn.
Director's Statement
It has been a while since I have filmed a short film without much restrictions. Over the past four years I have re-learn film making via making short films and branded content, where there are limitations in terms of duration, stories, subject matter and hitting the marks. My last work which I considered personal was the feature length work "If It's Not Not, Then When?", where I tell the story as I wish and now Love to the End will be something close to that and at the same time a little homage to Tsai Ming Liang's "Vive L'Amour" (1994). And at the same time working with new actors for the first time. It was during rehearsal with the two girls that we managed to built the story, give life to the characters and to built trust.
Sam Cheau
Cassandra Lew
Jackson Yew
Director of Photography
Tan Teck Zee
Music Scoring
Androine T.
Producer Kenny Gan
Make Up Joey Chua Kit Hew